LMV on GitHub

This is a local fork of LibreMetaverse for IMA testing

The canonical source for LibreMetaverse (as well as the bug tracker) can be found at: Cinder Roxleys Repo

The canonical source for LibOpenMetaverse can be found at: OpenMetaverseFoundation Repo

Infinite Metaverse Alliance LMV

This repo is for IMA testing.

20170806 (dz) Cloned from Bitbucket, Activated Travis CI Current - Build Status

20170807 (dz) Integrated Codacity, Update READMEs with badges like this one Codacy Badge


LibreMetaverse is a fork of libOpenMetaverse which in turn was a fork of libSecondLife, a library for developing Second Life-compatible virtual world clients. LibreMetavrse returns the focus to up-to-date Second Life and OpenSim compatibility with an eye to performance and memory management.